Poki Games

Battle Wheels



Battle Wheels thrusts players into a fast-paced vehicular combat arena where strategy and speed are critical to survival. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, players customize and control armored vehicles equipped with an array of weapons, from machine guns and rockets to exotic energy weapons. Each battle takes place in meticulously designed arenas that challenge players to maneuver through destructible environments while engaging in high-octane firefights. The game emphasizes a blend of tactical positioning and raw firepower, requiring players to outthink and outmaneuver opponents to emerge victorious.

Upgrading for Domination

As players progress in Battle Wheels, they earn upgrades and new technology to enhance their vehicles’ combat capabilities. Upgrading isn’t just about boosting the stats; it’s about adapting your vehicle to your preferred style of combat. Players can choose to enhance their speed and handling to dodge incoming fire, fortify their armor to withstand brutal hits, or boost their weaponry for maximum offensive power. This level of customization allows players to experiment with various strategies and tailor their vehicles to best suit the challenges of different arenas and opponent tactics.


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Poki Games